Lorriek’s Blog

A Voice For Concerned Americans

Which Way The Wind Blows

  “The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”  Patrick Henry

Hello America. Moby Dick had nothing on the way politicians seem to always stick a finger in the air to decide which way the public opinion wind is blowing before making a decision in Washington. (And don’t ya feel like a lot of times it is the middle finger?)

But you know, I have come to the frustrating conclusion that I cannot completely blame the politicians for the asinine decision making process, for they would not be where they are without the people electing them into office, oftentimes over and over again! Nor can I blame politicians for the seemingly fickle and sometimes downright ignorant decisions and/or support of the American people. I mean, come on, America, are we all really as naive as we are portrayed or are we so self-absorbed that when thinks get tough, we jump ship quicker than passengers on a collision course with an ice-burg?

How do you think we have gotten to the point of bankruptcy in this country? How do you think we have allowed our elected officials to raise the debt-ceiling to over 14 trillion dollars? Because we always buy into the lies that politicians(from the President down) when they come on the air and tell us that unless we allow them to raise taxes, raise the debt ceiling, raise the Social Security age,(you get the point?) the world as we know it, will cease to exist and I for one am tired of the public buying into this.

Come on America, grow a backbone.  Stop buying into stupidity of race and economic warfare. Democrats are partially right(no, I did not fall on my head) when they say we should protect Social Security and Medicare. What they don’t tell you is that they were right there with the Republicans with their hands out, raiding the Social Security trust fund for their pet projects at the expense of every Senior in this country. Seniors make up approximately 1/6 of the population(a huge voting block) and why you are not screaming bloody murder is baffling to me. And you Republicans with the platform of raise the retirement age(which has been raised from 62 to 65 to 67)and cut senior benefits because after-all you Seniors are OLD and disposable is not only a stupid decision on your part, it is also a losing proposition at election time. You all remind me of Barney Fife, always in danger of shooting yourself in the foot rather than aiming for the right target.

Both parties refuse to listen to sane, hard-working Americans(I know because I have mailed my Congress, my Senators, House Majority Leader and the national GOP party without a response from any) It’s simple, we as hard working tax payers and Seniors in danger of having benefits cut want government to down-size, we want waste to be eliminated, we want the almost fifty percent of Americans who pay no taxes to have to pay something into a system that takes care of them without any investment on their part. We are tired of watching our trust-fund being raided for pet projects so get rid of them! We are tired of people receiving checks from the government when they have not paid a single tax dime into the system. We are tired of taking care of people who have no desire to take care of themselves.

But as stated at the beginning America. I can no longer blame the politicians in office, since they had to be voted into office and I can no longer blame the politicians when we Americans continually fold when times get tough.

I long for the day when all Seniors stand up for themselves and tell Washington to take a hike and for the time when hard-working Americans tell Washington in true Clint Eastwood fashion, go ahead, punks, make my day. Raise the debt-ceiling without true government cuts, continue to operate without a balanced budget and continue to spend our money recklessly and we will vote every one of you Republican, Democrat, Independents out of office and mean it. Come on America, we are better than this, we can all take the same advice that politicians should adhere to, say what you mean and mean what you say!

July 18, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment