Lorriek’s Blog

A Voice For Concerned Americans

The Sky Is Falling!!

Hello America. I am finding it harder and harder to stomach anything that is going on in Washington. We are currently in a game of chicken, GOP against the President, over raising the debt ceiling and I wonder who will eventually blink?

The Presidents want more revenue, aka: raising of taxes for you and me. The GOP want spending cuts and the bargaining chip between them? Our debt ceiling which is currently at a measly $ 14 Trillion dollars. The democrats want it raised by another $ 2 Trillion because we will be in default if it is not raised by August.

And our esteemed leader has thrown out every scare tactic that he could think of and denigrated every money making group in this country to get his way and why you ask? Because if you scare people and use class warfare, then maybe you can get what you want if you have public opinion on your side.

Our government has been such a steward of responsibility when it comes to spending, not. Let’s see, according to the President, all rich people should pay more taxes because lets face it, they don’t pay their fair share now. I mean when ONE percent of our population pay the majority of the taxes in this country while 47 percent pay NONE, well, I say, tell the rich to pay more of their money into an ineptly run government and if they have the nerve to gripe, then tell them to shut-up and eat cake!

And according to his highness, I mean our President, if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, kids will lose their scholarships to colleges, well, I say, let them lose them. I mean, have you seen what is being taught in college nowadays anyway?

And seniors and poor people will lose their benefits. Way to go, Mr. President, scare senior citizens and create class warfare. All of this is garbage by the way. Scare tactics, class and race warfare seems to be the tired  standard that this administration drags out every time they want to get their way and the Republicans aren’t cooperating.

As many have stated, we don’t have a revenue problem in D.C., we have a spending problem, a really big spending problem. And I ask you do you give an alcoholic a drink when he asks for it? No, you put take him straight to rehab and that is what we should be telling our elected officials. They should pass a balanced budget and quit spending our tax dollars like there is no tomorrow. Of course, if we keep on this present course, there may be no tomorrow!

Look up your elected officials on the right side of my blog (under Conservative USA) and e-mail them. Tell them not to raise the debt ceiling, and give us real change, like stop with the spending, after all, it is our money.

July 10, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment